Laravel For Web Developers
The most in-demand framework for backend development
Course Duration
45 Days
Course Fees
Rs. 5000/- Only
What is Laravel ?
Laravel is an advanced and versatile PHP framework capable of creating the large scale and secured web applications.

Why learn Laravel ?
Lots of full stack web developers use Laravel. Thus, having this skill, opens up tremendous job opportunities for the aspiring professionals.

What can be accomplished by Laravel ?
Scalable and Complex Web Applications can be developed using Laravel. Laravel also provides speed and security.
Total Course Duration : 52 hrs
Introduction to Laravel : Theory: 1 hrs Practical: 1 hrs
Introduction to Laravel
Laravel Features
MVC Concept
Laravel Environnment Setup
- Installing Laravel
- Setting up the environment
- Setting up the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Laravel Directory Structure Understanding
Root Directory Structure App Directory Structure |
Laravel Configuration
Environment Configuration Database Configuration Application Naming Standard Maintenance Mode |
Laravel Routes
Concept of Routes Routing Parameters |
Laravel Controllers
Concepts of Controller Creating Controller Routing Controller Passing Data |
Laravel Views
Concepts of Views Creating Views Passing data to Views Blade Template |
Laravel Database
Database Connection Create Record Read Record Update Record Delete Record |
Laravel Eloquent Database/ORM
Database Connection Create Record Read Record Update Record Delete Record |
Laravel Eloquent & Database Relationship
One to One One to Many Many to Many |
Laravel Forms & Validation
Setting up Model, View and Controller Persisting in Database Reading it back Editing & Deleting Data |
Laravel Login/Authentication System
Creating Authentication and Login |
Laravel Sessions
Concepts of Sessions Setting Sessions Reading Sessions Deleting Flash Data |
Laravel Emails
Setting up email Sending email |
Laravel Error Logging and Handling
Error Logging Error Handling |
Laravel Advance Concepts
Event Handling Facades Security |
End to end web development project utilizing the above concepts |