Laravel For Web Developers

The most in-demand framework for backend development

 Course Duration

45 Days

Course Fees 

Rs. 5000/- Only


What is Laravel ?

Laravel is an advanced and versatile PHP framework capable of creating the large scale and secured web applications.


Why learn Laravel ?

Lots of full stack web developers use Laravel. Thus, having this skill, opens up tremendous job opportunities for the aspiring professionals.


What can be accomplished by Laravel ?

Scalable and Complex Web Applications can be developed using Laravel. Laravel also provides speed and security.



Total Course Duration :  52 hrs 

Introduction to Laravel : Theory: 1 hrs Practical: 1 hrs
Introduction to Laravel
Laravel Features
MVC Concept
Laravel Environnment Setup
  • Installing Laravel
  • Setting up the environment
  • Setting up the Integrated Development Environment (IDE)
Laravel Directory Structure Understanding
Root Directory Structure
App Directory Structure


Laravel Configuration
Environment Configuration
Database Configuration
Application Naming Standard
Maintenance Mode


Laravel Routes
Concept of Routes
Routing Parameters
Laravel Controllers
Concepts of Controller
Creating Controller
Routing Controller
Passing Data


Laravel Views
Concepts of Views
Creating Views
Passing data to Views
Blade Template
Laravel Database
Database Connection
Create Record
Read Record
Update Record
Delete Record


Laravel Eloquent Database/ORM
Database Connection
Create Record
Read Record
Update Record
Delete Record


Laravel Eloquent & Database Relationship
One to One
One to Many
Many to Many 
Laravel Forms & Validation
Setting up Model, View and Controller
Persisting in Database
Reading it back
Editing & Deleting Data


Laravel Login/Authentication System
Creating Authentication and Login
Laravel Sessions
Concepts of Sessions
Setting Sessions
Reading Sessions
Deleting Flash Data
Laravel Emails
Setting up email
Sending email 


Laravel Error Logging and Handling
Error Logging
Error Handling


Laravel Advance Concepts
Event Handling


End to end web development project utilizing the above concepts

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