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Basic LevelÂ
2 months
Module 1 : Introduction to Python
- About Python
- What is debugging
- First program
Module 2 : Variables, Expressions and Statements
- Values and types
- Variables names and keywords
- Evaluating expressions
- Operators and operands
Module 3 : Functions
- Function call
- Type conversion and type coercion
- Math functions
- Composition
- Adding new functions
- Parameters and arguments
- Stack diagram
Module 4 : Conditions and recursion
- The modulus operator
- Boolean expressions
- Logical operators
- Conditional execution
- Alternative execution
- Nested conditionals
- Recursion
Module 5 : Fruitful Functions
- Return values
- Composition
- Boolean functions
Module 6 : Iterations
- Multiple assignments
- While statement
- Tables
- Encapsulation and generalization
- Local variables
Module 7: Strings
- Length
- Traversal and for loop
- String comparison
- A find function
- Looping and counting
Module 8 : Lists
- List values
- Accessing elements
- List membership
- Lists and for loop
- List operations
- List deletion
- Objects and values
- Cloning lists
Module 9 : Tuples
- Mutability and tuples
- Tuple assignment
- Random numbers
- Lists of random numbers
- Dictionaries
- Dictionary operations and methods
- Aliasing and copying
- Sparse matrices
Module 10 : Dictionaries
- Dictionary operations and methods
- Aliasing and copying
- Sparse matrices
- Hints
- Long integers
Advance Level
2 months
Module 1 : Exceptions
- Errors in Python Program
- Exception Handling
- Types of Exceptions
- User-defined Exceptions
- Logging the Exceptions
Module 2 : Classes and Objects
- User-defined compound types
- Attributes
- Instances as arguments
- Instances as return values
Module 3 : Classes and Functions
- Time
- Pure functions
- Modifiers
- Prototype development versus planning
- Generalization
- Object oriented features
- Optional arguments
- The initialization method
- Operator overloading
- Polymorphism
Module 4 : Sets and Objects
- Composition
- Car objects
- Class attributes and the str method
- Comparing cars
- Car Fleet
- Printing the fleet
- Shuffling the fleet
Module 5 : Inheritance
- Group of cars
- Dealing cars
- Printing cars
- The CarGame class
Module 6 : Linked List
- Embedded references
- The node class
- Lists as collections
- Lists and recursion
- Infinite lists
- The fundamental ambiguity theorem
- Modifying lists
- Wrappers and helpers
- The LinkedList class
Module 7: Stacks
- Abstract data types
- The stack ADT
- Implementing stacks with Python lists
- Pushing popping
- Using a stack to evaluate postfix
- Parsing
Module 8 : Files in Python
- Files
- Types of Files in Python
- Opening & Closing a File
- Working with Binary Files
- Random Access of Binary Files Zipping & Unzipping Files
Module 9 : GUI in python
- Root Window
- Fonts & Colors
- Canvas
- Frame & Widgets
- Button, Label, Message, Text, Scrollbar
- Listbox, Spinbox, Menu
- Arranging Widgets in the Frame
Module 10 : Database Connectivity
- Types of Databases used in Python
- Installing Mysql
- Working with Mysql
- Creating Database & Tables
- Implementing with various operations