C and C++ Programming
C and C++ are very powerful languages since 1980. They have found their way into very complex applications like trading, electronic native programs and chip programming.
If you are aiming for the above niche industry, ensure that you have honed the C and C++ skills
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C Language
2 months
Module 1 : Introduction of C
- What is C Language
- Why C Language
- Future in C Language
- Summary
Module 2 : Setting up and Installing C Language
- Prerequisite in C Language
- Installation of C
- Summary
Module 3 : Data Type, Constants & Variables
- What is Data Types in C Language with practical
- Integers, long and short in C Language with practical
- Integers, signed and unsigned in C Language with practical
- Chars, signed and unsigned in C Language with practical
- Floats and Doubles in C Language with practical
- Constants in C with practical
- Variables in C with practical
- Keywords in C with practical
- How to get input from user with practical
- How to display output to user with practical
- Summary
Module 4 : Statements
- IF-Else Statement in C Language with practical
- for Loop in C Language with practical
- While Loop in C Language with practical
- Do-While Loop in C Language with practical
- Break in C Language with practical
- Continue in C Language with practical
- Switch in C Language with practical
- Summary
Module 5 : Function
- What is a Function in C Language with practical
- Passing Values between Functions in C Language with practical
- Call by Value in C Language with practical
- Call by Reference in C Language with practical
- Summary
Module 6 : Pointer
- An Introduction to Pointers
- Pointer Notation in C Language
- Back to Function Calls in C Language with practical
- Recursion in C Language with practical
- Summary
Module 7 : Preprocessor
- The C Preprocessor in C Language
- Features of C Preprocessor
- Macro Expansion in C Language
- Macros with Arguments with practical
- Macros versus Functions with practical
- File Inclusion in C Language with practical
- #if and #elif Directives with practical
- Miscellaneous Directives in C Language
- #undef Directive with practical
- #pragma Directive with practical
- Summary
Module 8: Arrays
- What are Arrays in C Language
- A Simple Program Using Array
- How to Initialize Array in C Language with practical
- Passing Array Elements in C Language to a Function with practical
- Pointers and Arrays in C Language with practical
- Passing an Entire Array to a Function in C Language with practical
- Two Dimensional Arrays in C Language with practical
- Initializing a 2-Dimensional Array with practical
- Pointers and 2-Dimensional Arrays with practical
- Pointer to an Array with practical
- Passing a 2-D array to a Function with practical
- Array of Pointers with practical
- Three Dimensional Array with practical
- Summary
Module 9 : Strings
- What are Strings in C Language
- How to get length of a string in C Language using strlen( ) with practical
- How to copy a string in C Language using strcpy( ) with practical
- How to concatenate a string in C Language using strcat( ) with practical
- How to compare two string in C Language using strcmp( ) with practical
- Summary
Module 10 : Structures
- What is Structures in C Language
- Why Use Structures in C Language
- Declaring a Structure in C Language with practical
- Accessing Structure Elements in C Language with practical
- How Structure Elements are Stored with practical
- Array of Structures in C Language with practical
- Additional Features of Structures with practical
- Uses of Structures with practical
- Summary
Module 11 : File Operation
- File Input/Output in C Language with practical
- File Operations in C Language with practical
- Opening a File in C Language with practical
- Reading from a File in C Language with practical
- Closing the File in C Language with practical
- Counting Characters, Tabs, Spaces, with practical
- A File-copy Program in C Language
- Writing to a File in C Language with practical
- File Opening Modes
- String (line) I/O in Files
- Summary
Module 12 : Operator and Enum
- Operations On Bits in C Language with practical
- Bitwise Operators with practical
- One’s Complement Operator with practical
- Right Shift Operator with practical
- Left Shift Operator with practical
- Bitwise AND Operator with practical
- Bitwise OR Operator with practical
- Bitwise XOR Operator with practical
- Enumerated Data Type with practical
- Uses of Enumerated Data Type with practical
- Summary
C++ Language
2 months
Module 1 : Beginning with C++
- What is C++, its Applications, and Advantages etc.
- Difference between C and C++. major and minor difference.
- Creating C++ source file, Editing, Compiling, Linking, Debugging. Etc.
- Make File Utility, Command Line Arguments etc.
Module 2: Explaining Procedure oriented Language(C) and Object Oriented Language.(C++)
- Look at Procedureoriented Programming
- A Brief Look At Object-Oriented Programming(OOP).
- Applications of OOP, Benefits of OOPS
Module 3: C++ Tokens, Expressions, and Control Structure.
- Tokens
- C++ keywords
- Basic Data Types
- User-defined Data Types
- Derived Data Types
- Operator s in C++
- Reference Variables
- Memory management operators
- Manipulators
- Operator Overloading
- Operator Precedence
- Control Structure.
Module 4: Functions In C++
- Different forms of functions
- function prototyping
- Call by Reference
- Inline Functions
- function overloading
- friend and virtual functions
- Math library functions etc.
Module 5: Classes And Objects
- C Structure revision
- Defining classes, defining member functions.
- Declaration of objects to class d) access to member variables from objects etc
- Different forms of member functions dependence on access specifiers(i.e.
- Private, public, protected).
- Array of objects
- Objects as function arguments
- Friendly function
- Returning objects
- Pointers to members
- Local classes
Module 6: Memory Management and pointers.
- Using New operator, comparison of new over malloc, calloc and realloc etc.
- Memory freeing using Delete operator.
Module 7: Constructor and Destructor-
- Introduction
- constructors,
- Parameterized constructors
- Multiple constructors in class
- Dynamic initialization of objects
- Destructors
Module 8: Operator Overloading and type conversion
- Introduction
- Defining operator overloading
- Overloading-(unary, binary operators)
- Overloading binary operators using friends e) Rules for overloading operators
- Type conversion
Module 9: Inheritance – extending class
- Introduction
- types of inheritance
- single inheritance
- multiple inheritance
- Multilevel inheritance
- hierarchical inheritance
- Hybrid inheritance etc.
- Virtual base class
- Abstract class
- Constructors in derived class.
Module 10: Pointer, Virtual Functions, Polymorphism.
- Introduction
- Pointers
- Pointers to objects
- This pointer
- Pointers to derived class
- Virtual functions
- Pure virtual functions etc.
Module 11: Managing Console I/O Operations
- Introduction
- C++ streams
- c++ stream classes
- unformated / formated I/O operations.
- managing output with manipulators
Module 12: Working with files.
- Introduction
- creating/ opening / closing / deleting files
- file pointers and their manipulators
- updating file random access to file
- Error handling during file operations.
- command line arguments.
Module 13: Templates
- Introduction
- class templates
- function templates
- overloading of template function
Module 14: Exception Handling
- Introduction
- Exception handling– throwing, catching, re-throwing an exceptions, specifying exceptions etc.
Module 15: introducing STL (Standard template library)
- Introduction
- components of STL
- containers
- algorithms
- iterators
- function objects
Module 16: String Manipulation in C++
- Introduction
- creating objects
- manipulating string objects
- relational operators
- string characters
- accessing characters in strings.
Module 17: New Features of C++
- Introduction
- new data types,
- new operators
- class implementation
- namespace scope
- operator keywords
- new headers etc.