“यशम अकॅडमि मध्ये आम्हाला खूप काही शिकायला मिळत आहे . इथे खूप सारे IT Courses शिकायला मिळत आहेत . Courses मध्ये असलेले सर्व प्रकारचे concept शिकवले जातात .”

Mahendra Mankar
Full stack web developer
“More than what you except as a learner the environment is quite friendly and open for new opportunities with good infrastructure and staff”

Vivek Talokar
“Very helpful institute…… I love to learn here with lots of activities“

Avez Shaikh
Java Programming
“Best academy for IT course and deep explanation of course related problem“

Hitesh Dandekar
C Language
“Yasham Academy is an excellent….the way of teaching is quite different….nd everything was up to date…..I really had fun and learn lots of thing.“

Vrushali Marathe
“Yasham Academy is excellent computer trainning center and career guidence….. “

Jinal Shah
Basic Computer