Mobile app development couse with internship program
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Yasham Academy is a
institute focused on IT skills and competency required for success in Job and Business.
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Mobile App Development Course

Placement Assistance

Assured 3 months Internship

Stipend ₹ 9,000

Hands-on Course

Hands-on Course

Duration 3 Months

Placement Assistance

Become Job Ready in 6 Months



Training Actual Course

Placement Assistance

Why learn Android App Development?


With 26 lacs apps on Play Store and 7500 crore  downloads a year, Android App Development is one of the most popular skills today.

Build your own app

Imagine an app on Play Store under your name. There is nothing more exciting than that!

Lucrative salary

The Android Developers earn very high salary in this high ever-growing  fields.


Training Highlights

Learn from home

Stay safe indoors

Beginner friendly

No prior knowledge required

Doubt clearing

Through Q&A forum

Assured Internship

To build your career

What will be the training syllabus?

Introduction to Development with Flutter
Learn to set up a new Flutter project using Android Studio.
Understand the Widget tree and learn to use pre-made Flutter Widgets for user interface design.
Learn to incorporate Image and Text Widgets to create simple user interfaces.
Learn to incorporate App Icons for iOS and Android.
Learn how to add and load image assets to Flutter projects.
Run Flutter apps on iOS Simulator, Android Emulator andphysical devices.
Creating Beautiful with Flutter For Beginners
Use Hot Reload and Hot Restart to quickly refresh the app UI and understand when to use each.
Learning to use the Pubspec.yaml file to incorporate dependencies, custom assets and fonts.
An introduction to the Widget build() method.
Learning to use layout widgets such as Columns, Rows, Containers and Cards.
Incorporating Material icons using the Icons class.
Building Apps with State
Understand the difference between Stateful and Stateless Widgets and when they should each be used.
Understand how callbacks can be used detect user interaction in button widgets.
Understand the declarative style of UI programming and how Flutter widgets react to state changes.
Learn to import dart libraries to incorporate additional functionality.
Learn about how variables, data types and functions work in Dart 2.
Build flexible layouts using the Flutter Expanded widget.
Understand the relationship between setState(), Stateobjects and Stateful Widgets.
Leaveraging Flutter Packages to Speed Up Development
Learn to use the Dart package manager to incorporate Flutter compatible packages into your projects.
Understanding the structure of the pubspec.yaml file.
Incorporate the audio players package to play sound.
Learn more about functions in Dart and the arrow syntax.
Learn to refactor widgets and understand Flutter’s philosophy of UI as code
Structuring Flutter Apps
Learn about how lists and conditionals work in Dart.
Learn about classes and objects in Dart and how it applies to flutter widgets.
Understand Object-Oriented Dart and how to apply the fundamentals of OOP to restructuring a Flutter app.
Learn to use Dart Constructors to create customisable Flutter widgets.
Apply common mobile design patterns to structure Flutter apps.
Learn about structuring and organising Flutter apps.
Creating Beautiful with Flutter For Intermediates
Customise apps with Theme widgets.
Refactoring widgets by extracting them as separate Widgetclasses.
Learn about Dart annotations and modifiers.
Understand the immutability of Stateless and Stateful Widgets and how the screen is updated with the build() method.
Create custom Flutter Widgets by combining smaller widgets.
Learn about the difference between final and const in Dart.
Learn about maps, enums and the ternary operator in Dart.
Understand that functions are first-class objects in Dart and how functions can be passed around as arguments.
Learn to build multi-screen Flutter apps by learning about routes and the Navigator widget.
Understand why flutter favours composition vs. inheritance when customising widgets.
Powering Flutter Apps with Backend Data
Learn about asynchronous programming in Dart and understand how to use async/await and the Futures API.
Understand Stateful Widget lifecycle methods.
Handling exceptions in dart with try/catch and throw.
Use Dart null aware operators to prevent app crashes.
Getting location data from both iOS and Android.
Using the http package to perform networking and get live data from open APIs.
Understanding how to parse JSON data using the dart:convert library.
Understand how to pass data to State objects via the Stateful Widget.
Use the Text Field Widget to take user input.
Understand how to pass data backwards using the Navigator widget.
Cupertino Widgets And Plafform - Based UI
Learn to use the Cupertino package and build Flutter apps foriOS with UIKit styled Cupertino widgets.
Use the dart:io library to detect runtime platform and createseparate UIs for iOS and Android in the same Flutter app.
Learn to use Dart loops to create recurring widgets.
Integrating Flutter Apps With Firebase
Learn to use hero animations in Flutter apps.
Understand how the animation controller works and createcustom animations.
Learn to use Dart mixins to extend class functionality.
Incorporate Firebase Cloud Firestore into your Flutter apps.
Implement authentication in your Flutter apps with theFirebase Auth package.
Build a scrolling ListView widget to learn how Flutter createsand destroys reusable elements.
Understand Dart Streams to listen to data changes.
Learn to use the Flutter StreamBuild to turn streams of datainto widgets that can be rendered.


What is this course about?
This is practical, instructor-led training course on Flutter Mobile App Development. This course will teach you about Flutter (Software Development Kit) from Google and Dart programming language. At the end of this course, you will be able to develop the Mobile Application.
What is Flutter and Why Should I learn?
Flutter is a Software Development Kit (SDK) built on Dart. Flutter and Dart are developed and promoted by Google. They help to develop beautiful, high performing, native-like mobile application for both iOS and Android. This language is just 3-year-old and will be in demand for the next 10 years. If you want to develop a long-term IT career, this is an excellent area and field. .
What is the timing of training?
Training will be conducted from 9 am to 1030 am. This will be done through an online session. There may be some extra classes. All sessions and information will be published 1 week in advance.
I am very much interested in getting the training, but I don’t want to do Internship.
Yes, you can do only training and opt-out of the internship. You have to pay the training fees and will receive the training certificate upon successful completion of training.
Who is the faculty?
Faculty is a senior developer with experience in developing mobile apps. We also have teaching assistants to help you with queries.
How will my doubts be solved?
Once registered in the course, we will add you to the training group on Discord. It’s a chat application. You can post your queries with screenshot. Our faculty and teaching assistant will help you to solve the queries. You can always ask the doubt during the next day’s session.
What Syllabus will be covered?
The syllabus will cover both Flutter and Dart language. It’s a unique syllabus developed for this course. It covers Widgets, Local Database, API, State Management etc. Essentially all the knowledge required to build the application.
What is the language of instruction?
Course will be conducted using mix of Hindi and English. Faculty is fluent in both the language. Our teaching assistant also speaks Marathi.
What are the basic entry criteria for the course?
You need to be BE, BSC, BCA, MCA or MSC. A basic understanding of any programming language is helpful. You should also know the basic computer and mobile operation.
Do I need a laptop/computer?
Yes, you need to have your own laptop or computer. This is an online course and you will be practising the coding on your own computer. You can purchase a new or second-hand computer. Or you can rent a computer for 3 months.
Can I pay fees by instalment?
You need to pay the full fees at the time of registration.
What will I receive at the end of this program?
1. Once you have completed the 3 months training program – you will receive the “Training Certificate”.
2. After successful completion of 3 months of internship, you will receive “Internship Certificate”.
3. You will have practical skills in developing mobile application
What type of job and salary I can get after the training is completed?
Mobile application development is a promising field and there are lots of jobs available for a candidate with right skills. Based on your performance and skill, you may get a good job at IT company. Salary range varies from location to location. We advise our students to join IT organization as a trainee engineer and get 2 years of work experience. This program prepares you well for your first trainee job.

Yasham Academy doesn’t provide any guarantee for the job. We provide 100% internship and will provide you guidance in job hunting.

I need some more time to decide, when is the next batch starting?
Our Mobile App Development with Internship program is very unique and novel program. We will be busy for the next six months in teaching. We don’t have any plan to repeat it soon. If you are interested in the IT field, we advise you to register immediately.
I am not interested in Mobile App Development. Do you provide any other course?
We are Akola’s leading coding school. We are very focused on IT courses in niche skills. We do provide other courses and you can learn about all the courses at https://yashamacademy.com/
How can I trust you?
We are a Private Limited Company (CIN Number: U80902MH2019PTC319731) operating out of our setup since 2018. We have 84 student reviews on Just Dial (https://www.justdial.com/Akola/Yasham-Academy-Gandhi-Chowk/9999PX724-X724-180911144543-Y6G2_BZDET) and 48 student reviews on Google (https://g.page/YashamAcademy?share)
We also received an award nomination for “India 5000 Best SME Award”. We were covered by DDC Marathi Channel (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDHlOdPo41s)
I still want to speak to someone?
You can always contact us on our helpline 818283 8888. You can also send us an email on vinod@yashams.com or manas@yashams.com

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