PHP - Yasham Academy

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

PHP is a widely-used open source general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for web development and can be embedded into HTML.


Module 1 : Introduction to PHP
  • Evaluation of Php
  • Basic Syntax
  • Defining variable and constant
  • Php Data type Operator and Expression
  • What is PHP?
  • What is PHP File?
Module 2 : Introduction of SQL
  • What is Mysql?
Module 3 : Working with PHP
  • Basic PHP Syntax
  • Comments in PHP
  •  Variables
  •  PHP operators
  •  Control Structures(If else,switch, all loops)
  •  Arrays
Module 4 : Looping & Functions in PHP
  • For Each Loop 1Functions
  • Form Handling
  • PHP $_GET
  • PHP $_POST
  • PHP date() Function
  • PHP include File
Module 5 : File Handling
  • File Uploading
  • PHP Sessions
  • Sending Emails
  • PHP Cookies
Module 6 : Introduction To MySQL
  • PHP MySQL Connect To a Database
  • Closing A Connection
  • MySQL DataTypes
  • MySQL Insert
  • MySQL Select
  • MySQL where clause
  • MySQL Delete
  • MySQL Update
  • MySQL Aggregate
  • Functions(sum,avg,count etc)
  • MySQL order by and group by clause
  • MySQL Subqueries
  • MySQL Joins
Module 7: Projects